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NEW INC: Collective Abundance Showcase

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Office Party
Client: La MaMa Galleria
June 21st 2023
NEW INC: Collective Abundance Showcase
NEW INC: Collective Abundance Showcase
NEW INC: Collective Abundance Showcase
NEW INC: Collective Abundance Showcase
NEW INC: Collective Abundance Showcase
NEW INC: Collective Abundance Showcase
NEW INC: Collective Abundance Showcase

In summer 2023, Office Party presented an installation at La MaMa Galleria in New York City documenting the office’s recent workshop at the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture. The installation includes a presentation of the film Clean Up and an in-depth look at the trash produced during workshop. The work is the culmination of Office Party’s participation as a member in NEW INC’s 2022-23 cohort.

This project is exhibited as a part of NEW INC’s Collective Abundance track showcase, which sheds light on the policies and philosophies that affect both the built environment and the psychologies of those who inhabit it. Their work—culminating in the exhibition “Emergen-C Archive”—is rich in non-traditional approaches to archiving from and for marginalized perspectives, and forefronts the voices, memories, and potentialities of the disempowered.

"Emergen-C Archive" illuminates elements of the past, present, and even future that we deem, collectively, to be important, and that are often excluded or expunged from traditional record-keeping. In this, we recognize the need for an emergent-emergency-strategy that, in keeping with the writings of adrienne maree brown, borrows from biomimicry in order to survive and embrace change with abundance.